April 14, 2021

Short Story #1

He lay on her bed, waiting for her to finish the phone call. Snow had stopped falling outside. It looked really cold; not the type of weather you’d want to be out in. He expected to lose his virginity soon. He wanted her, and he was so close to having her. If you’ll ever be done with the god damned phone call. He took off his clothes and tossed them across the chair. She had gone to the other room to take the call, but he could still hear her voice. “Bye-bye,” she said to the other person, making his heart race in excitement.

“Hello, Kevin!”. She’d started another call. Kevin waited in the nude. He was not frustrated but he was very scared. He’d heard of namesakes before. This was not the first time he’d felt a sudden surge of fear, either. He ignored the fear and decided that it was just nerves. I’m just anxious, yes, that’s all.

She came back. “I enjoy talking to you, you sound perfect”, she said. He smiled brightly and leaned in for a kiss. Just before his lips touched hers, he realized something. He had not said a word all afternoon. In fact, he could not remember saying a word ever. I need to remember something, anything. He couldn’t remember his birthday, his middle name, or his mother’s face. It was all blank.

“Mine”, she said as she opened her mouth. Then she opened it wider, then even more. Kevin recoiled in horror. He could see her rows of teeth, thousands of them spinning around inside her mouth. She smiled as she leaned over, grabbed him and bit down. She always ate her duplicates headfirst since they couldn’t scream when their heads had been bitten off.

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