Author: Terdoo George

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A Story At The End

One morning, the man said to his lover: “Let’s go on a walk.” His lover, who had barely woken up,…

Hope Is Stupid(…)

There once was a little beggar boy who was lucky enough to find a radiant ball of Hope inside the trash that some students threw away. He took the Hope…

Just Another Day on the Job

When they took him from his office, they had done something to him. He remembered entering this place and feeling a sense of dread, feeling like he had been here for a year already…

Short Story #1

He lay on her bed, waiting for her to finish the phone call. Snow had stopped falling outside. It looked…

Confirmation Bias

I’ve tried to write an intro to this one one too many times, so I’ll just say “Fuck It,” write…

Ring around the sat on the hill

Ring around the sat on the hill. Jack fell down and lost his three blind mice. And we all died…